Chủ Nhật, 25 tháng 12, 2011

Hanoi ancient city in the heart of foreigners

Many foreigners who first arrived in Hanoi Vietnam old town feel uncomfortable even afraid to touch worried foot in the streets bearing the names akin, horizontal vertical, cluttered with dozens of stores the same product category, the roadside restaurant who crowded into the place, or the flow of air and car travel, such as questions loom.

But that feeling passes gradually replaced by the love has destroyed when they realize life is full of people bustling Hanoi, energetic, constantly moving but also very romantic with the girls turn fresh flowers adorned additional burden beauty of Hoan Kiem Lake in the heart of the city.

Chantrelle Nielson, American girl spent nearly a year in Hanoi Old Quarter as at first she was scared when walking in town because they can not go on the sidewalk and feel like you're having a car dies. "The street names are too confusing and too difficult to remember. Every walk in the street, I felt like trying to swim in a river flowing. "
You also can not stand in any position which sees the city as this would stop other people, and noise, the results are crazy, Chantrelle said. "But you have found a 'pass,' you can there all day just to watch the activity occurs. The most interesting thing on the old town is seated in the restaurant or cafe on the floor two or three that look at the people, cars, houses were roofed porch with the birds singing in cages, and daily life of the family around them - that's where the most vivid I've ever been to. "

Hanoi's Old Quarter, known prosaically as the 36 streets, situated on an area of ​​100 hectares in Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi city center, surrounded by top city in the North, Hang Bong, Hang Gai, Cau in the south, Tran Nhat Duat-Tran Quang Khai in the west and east Phung Hung.

General Characteristics of the ancient streets, many street names beginning with the word "goods", followed by a word only a certain profession, such as Hang Bac, Hang Ma, Hang Tin, Hang Chieu Street which ... also noisy, bustling trading scene, working as a miniature village. As to Hang Tin, you will hear the tingling sound hammer religious pieces, pieces of tin sparkling white, the image will encounter tin workers committed to the wood from small to large appliances such as vacuum tube, barrel, pots, scoop, trunk, water tank ...

In his book "The dragon on the roof - a year in Vietnam," Carol Howland writers have commented: "Walking in Hanoi 36 streets like weaving their way in a bowl of noodles." As I receipt of Carol, though seven centuries have passed, but each city seems bold of a village, where the life of community and traditional high is transmitted from generation to generation other.

Carol Payne, an American student traveling to Vietnam, said at first feeling upon entering the old quarter in stark contrast with what is most pleasant to sit under the green canopy of the patio outside the restaurant Au Lac , immediately after the Metropole Hotel, which sip coffee and talk with friends.

"When walking north on the old town, the road begins to change and not zigzag in any one direction does. The Vietnam I could not see the compass directions in North America as people usually do. In fact, they could not give me directions on a map. Unhelpful to say that I'm in the south of Hoan Kiem district, "laments Carol.
But then, after a few weeks to get used to the streets in Vietnam, Carol was able to walk without carrying a map. "If you get lost, I would jump on a motorcycle taxi and they address only to go home. But also the beauty lost. The very last time I felt the endless experience of Hanoi. There is an abundance of detail, both architecture and human life; temples, street vendors, small streets, markets and roadside cafes and even more, "Carol said excitedly.

Old Town, very special for Carol. It's like a general department store giant, with the area where traders and craftsmen with a commodity business - which she can not see the United States. Besides the buildings bearing ancient architecture of France, the high-rise commercial buildings could suddenly see a pavilion, a temple hidden deep in the small alley. It's a beautiful culture of the people of Vietnam.

David Lowe, an expert in English Revised Version 36, from Liverpool, said: "I love walking down the street because they are really alive. Hanoi is the best place I ever lived where I felt really live. Especially the old town, there are so many things happen there, just stopped 5 minutes time you'll see. Ancient city of Hanoi to bring many traits, more charm, making it come alive and remind everyone that their mind lives in a truly dynamic city, where people hustle for everyday life, and sounds, and smells what the eye sees, all extraordinarily vivid. "

Hanoi, as Chantrelle commented "it is very beautiful with many trees and lakes ... looks as if nature wants to recapture his own area in the city."

Burden street vendors and roadside stands
Foreigners who come to Ha noi as caught up in a land of endless dishes, from traditional food of Vietnam, such as bun cha, noodles, fish soup, noodles and fish ... in the small restaurant on the sidewalk, to the burden fighting street vendors selling duck eggs, fried bread, noodles and nuts, bean sauce noodles and shrimp, crab and vermicelli mix.

In order to serve foreign tourists, the restaurants gradually coming up with all kinds of food imported from abroad as French toast, pasta and pizza of Italy, Japanese sushi, green curry chicken or Thai hot pot, steak French market or Korean kimchi.

"I never miss meals because the West can find real French bread in Vietnam, even much better than those you can buy in the U.S. ... I can tell to many more places that I remember - I think I could eat five more years in Vietnam but also can not discover all the great food here. I also enjoyed the rice wine, "Chantrelle said.
She said she could not forget the food in Hanoi. Vietnamese food in America, but most do well with Southern style and taste. Chantrelle said the U.S. is not selling bun cha, her favorite dish. She also loves pho in town, Truc Bach book, or hot fish soup with fennel. The sultry summer day is the most popular Chantrelle eat grapefruit, dragon fruit and watermelon - the most delicious fruit that she buys her burden of street vendors.
And David, the British guy, he is the most popular grilled pork. Dried meat and aromatic flesh is yellow nursery smell of smoke. The most amazing thing when walking in the city of Hanoi can be stopped anywhere to buy seaweed, something of unique gifts that can not be everywhere.

The feeling remains
The most interesting thing in Hanoi for foreign visitors, according to David, the people here. Without them, any city in the world is just the streets, buildings inanimate. "I really enjoyed in Hanoi, its vibrant, noisy, bustling, attractive, every scene, every person you meet here every day ... I feel so welcome."

As for Chantrelle, the best thing in her mind up about this city is looking at all the activities happening on the streets and enjoy the unique flavor of the dish in Hanoi.

For her, as well up all sources of energy, the energy of a rising economy are strong, where people hustle everyone, even struggling to earn a living, but also each step richer, more prosperous. /.

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