Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 12, 2011

Cyclo - Hanoi Vietnam mark

Cyclo is a unique means of Hanoi. Image leisurely trishaw on the old town, the atmosphere create more taciturn, the ancient streets of Hanoi Vietnam with the quiet character, charm pedicabs has created an impressive individual and unique as only Hanoi new.

Cyclo - motorized vehicles that have long become part of the cultural and spiritual life and labor of the people of Hanoi.

Downs cyclo Hanoi

Cyclo in Vietnam in the years of his gong country by war and poverty. More than a century ago, when the stretcher, palanquin is no longer a vehicle of the Vietnamese more common, people began to move to trailers. In Indochina, few wagon appeared first in Hanoi in 1883 by the First Governor General Bonnal He has allowed Japan to bring from the past.

After the first bike was born, there came the tricky hooking it into the back of the wagon, so that the pedicab was born, plays an important role in the presence of civilization .

So far, the Japanese, the Americans also give evidence that their invention of the first cabs in 1868 or 1848 due to the Blacksmith to follow orders of the church.

In two of the nation struggle, pedicabs became powerful means of production and service of combat: the transport of goods in places where cars can not go; passenger evacuation, transporting wounded soldiers to the place of emergency , carrying the fire-fighting, carrying ammunition and weapons to the battlefield ...
For Hanoi, is considered the place where pride, elegance, where the depth of cultural history, the cyclo is considered a separate definition, by its association with culture, linked to the history, way of life of land of a thousand years and thus in a corner of the image of Hanoi has a section for the cabs.

Cyclo - Hanoi's gift

Referring to Hanoi, the Old Town is like referring to those where there is no beauty. That is the short street, romantic and lyrical, is floral milk, pork may be a strange feeling, is the traditional gift, a sacred character tinged bass history ... And absence of cyclo tourism on the old town, it would be impossible to bear!It is to persuade people with an image of a young woman old Hanoi, flowing dress, hand strap sitting on a small squeeze cyclo leisurely walk around the neck. Or pair of bride and groom dress, turban, sitting on a cyclo spiritual leader protein is home to over 36 streets, bringing a luxurious, elegant in the daily life of old Hanoi.
Between the crowded streets, the cabs are walking slowly and comfort, as a point to make city streets more charming nature. Mr. Hoang Cao Thang, Director of Culture and Tourism said: "If you visit Rome not ride horses, not by train to Paris Stock shall not have to travel; so travel to Hanoi's Old Quarter customers have to go a new cyclo tourist town. ". Because cabs are very suitable medium and hard to replace in the Old Quarter of Ha Thanh.

Today, with the motto of cheap, convenient, friendly and comfortable cabs are usually chosen as international travelers transportation when visiting Hanoi. Want to visit the old town with narrow streets and short, somewhat without sidewalks, may not have any convenient means such as cyclo. Guests feel very comfortable as sitting on a lounge chair and watch the city agreed health professional, a busy market area of ​​the "three six streets of Hanoi."

Therefore, pedicabs have become a familiar part of the ancient city, became a mark engraved in the tourists coming to the four Hanoi.

Transient cyclo sad ...
Currently, the city has four companies providing travel services cyclo is Sans Souci, Huy Phong, Hotel Metropole and cultural tourism company, with 264 units being granted registration. The fact that number is greater than the amount of work pedicabs despite very strong, causing turmoil in the business, transporting tourists.

Also undeniable is that, while the streets of Hanoi, especially the old town area is tight, crowded transport, sense of observance of the provisions of the pedicabs drivers are limited so cyclos have sometimes contributed to obstructing traffic and caused many troubles for pedestrians soot. That's not to mention the trishaw riders, especially cyclo still unsettled whether guest, not a pretty picture for tourists to the capital.
Therefore, to improve the situation and make a healthy contingent of cyclo ensure security and order in town, and in need of strong measures for victims cyclo though.

At the same time, these businesses form cyclo tourism should have regular educational programs cyclo drivers to strictly implement the provisions in the road and communicate with our customers to image the cyclos travel impress well with tourists coming to Hanoi.

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