Thứ Ba, 3 tháng 1, 2012

Lemon Tea Church - A Transient Hanoi Vietnam

The faint smell cup of jasmine tea fragrance, dotted one to two slices of fresh lemon, sweet, sour, acrid chan became the familiar beverage of the people of Hanoi Vietnam.

The drink is popular only with the material life, but it was so appealing to so strange. If anyone has been to Hanoi and the opportunity to enjoy tea in lemon Cathedral on Nha Chung Street, is sure to be unforgettable.

Also with this drink, but if you enjoy in a different location, then make sure you will not have that special feeling where. Sitting sipping lemon tea with melon seeds bite chatter nhach disk, or lost packets on the corner candy town, observe the beautiful scenery around the ancient Cathedral, watching the flow of people and vehicles crossing the road, results are an interesting experience for you.

Each season is different, lemon tea Church to bring you new things, not only its taste but also to other emotions had become strangers. Some people say lemon tea is just right for hot sultry weather, the days like a glass of lemon tea and seats on the Cathedral itself, the heat disappears. And the hot sultry summer's day will slip under the refreshing sip of tea story chatting with his friends. What about winter? The day may wind pigs, each gust of wind rushed on to make us shudder. Sitting inhaling the hot lemon tea cup, nestled in a small angle, drooping leak stories fun with his partner is not so exciting? The cold seems to make people closer together, love each other.

If Saigon Vietnam is famous for coffee South Sailing pans, Hanoi is also known as lemon tea Church with the most consistent being sold on the sidewalk, or the tea she sold on the street working. With the advantage of selling on the wide sidewalks, places that have become suitable for large gatherings and stories spun the straw cups lemon.

Whenever evening falls, the area around the Cathedral has become busy, busy people to drink tea. Despite sits nestled between small cramped seats is also nobody, complaints or irritable. Both the bustling streets by happy laughter, conversation, the voice of another mind Oh ... A little like Hanoi show up in your eyes ...

Simple with street food in Hanoi Vietnam

Come to a meeting in Hanoi late afternoon, Mark was lucky to find yourself a very deep around Hanoi Vietnam City: "The first day will slightly bitter winter here as made me more impressed with the image of women the oil pan is hot, but I see everyday on the way to his leisurely walk. She seemed so familiar with foreign big man always my favorite cake that I always "enjoy" a nod or smile fondly when she approached the place. "When it comes to Vietnam Nam them yourself, one of the things that many people become interested in foreign and patriotism is S-shaped by the friendliness of the simple human labor.

"Because of her smile that sale, I prefer the more love than the browning bread appeared around her nursery, which is the tortilla, potato cake, banana cake ... all behaved in the oil pan . Before that, she was willing to sell cut pieces of potato chips, small cups corn and banana slices are then immersed in a viscous liquid mixture is called a dough consistency. The banana cake looks like a piece of fried fish and potato cakes as the mesh is made from fried potatoes are out of order on a set price level for oil pan drain and wait for the attention of passing customers. Of course, among those who are fascinated by the lovely nursery yellow cake myself - who quickly helped her friendly sales torn pieces of newspaper and more willing to increase the body weight less fertile his bread by other aromatic tingle. "

If you are a lover of Hanoi, make sure you can not help but love a Hanoi with the announcement of her cold cylinder, the burden you with the goods on hand, all across the globe described streets, alleys these days cold winter winds. You will certainly be remembered and loved by Hanoi so immediately a man from lands as far away as Mark also "brimming" to remember "in the space of a winter se se, I still see them - people work hard every description filled with heavy baskets of bread on top, or the corn in hot sticky aluminum tank filled with little on his shoulders. "But not only remember the winter of Hanoi, remember that Mark was "attracted to the scent of the exotic cassava ivory filled out in a huge pot. Drop between the breath of smoke, you smoke as sympathetic fibers radiating from both rooms untouched pot. The cassava is boiling, sprinkle coconut fiber and eating behavior, you have to enjoy it with a little sesame salt. It is said that cassava is poisonous foods and not healthy, it is the theory of the West. But in Vietnam, you must know to cassava, not only because you will always see the carts with fragrant smoke of cassava, but also by food that is fed the revolutionaries in the both French and American wars, or my fellow Vietnamese people, he called cassava as food-eat-your-poison-up. "

Unlike radiate warmth of cassava or banana yellow cake nursery attractive, donuts - that food is considered the most popular in Ha Thanh - Mark to attract the costs caused by "shock" of it " Only 1.000vnd, only 1,000 for a ball made from aromatic and crispy flour (rice flour Rather than have a baby? He does not know it ...). A donut with outer brown dotted unique attractions of sesame seeds which I think people use it to sign two different kinds of donuts here. Fresh donuts, there's sweet (of course one thing) with a mixture of mashed chick peas shelled and chopped coconut. But there salt cake classes mysterious inside, I could only find some ingredients like ground pork and black mushrooms, of course, you will not see the sesame seeds on the crust of salt cake ".
In addition, Mark also enjoy many other dishes from the popular restaurant where the sidewalk of Ha Thanh, which is "the book cake made from rice flour-coated thin band of smooth white spotting little minced with minced black mushrooms that you can only see it when there's a good collaboration of the usefulness of mint leaves, shallot (oai. .. Why are shallots?) and a bowl of sauce with ball for it ", that is" second stick with the glitz of the form, like a brown building in the glassy, ​​slightly blackish water is made from sugar melting wave akin to the lake "Then there are many, many other simple dishes were Mark explore and experience.

In this peaceful land, distant friend of his had found the moment very content to go with what seemed like the time we have forgotten its existence. Incidentally, Mark has helped us to be spending a few moments to return to Hanoi peaceful and full of beloved dishes for everyone's childhood.

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If no street vendors in Hanoi Vietnam ...

Noodle ladder popular in Hanoi Vietnam

The well-known Hanoi that the fussy, meticulous, careful not only words eat, say, in the behavioral and lifestyle that is also reflected even in the food culture. Today, the bustling life makes the kitchen the family no longer much room for meal sifted, carefully, periods characterized as Bun Thang more elegant. Sometimes people remember the old flavor, they are only running the street outside the restaurant to enjoy the convenience only.

But you know why named: Bun Thang is not? There are several "streams" different information slowing down. Some people say the reason they called Bun Thang because in this material are great-chiu, to prepare for hours with all the nutrients should "Thang" means "Thang tonic." But there are people who explained that "Call the Thang by Bun bun is made like a drug loading, each second a little, a little bit and then combined into a very particular taste, sweet and deep nourishment." Wow, hear also make sense right? Engineering, which some researchers cuisine, Bun Thang is the very simple means. According to the Chinese, the "scale" means soup, Bun Thang is essentially a "noodle soup is chan because" that's all!

But even that does bring us nor denying yourself a delicious and sophisticated level of this baby food? If the other dishes we can pick out a few types of materials are considered "essential" then at least Bun Thang, all spices, raw materials have contributed to the "quality" of its own, though lack of a second bun alone is also considered bad risks. It is estimated to have up to 20 types of materials to make this dish of which ...

Vermicelli noodles are the kind of trouble choosing white, microfiber also subtle aroma of banana leaves wrapped outside. Chicken is not chicken, meat is tender and just steps sliced ​​chicken BOY nor simple. Because the chicken to be very small tear, enough was enough meat, gold, ivory tusks cents a blur. Then silk rolls must be chosen carefully, rolls to pink, smooth surface, and bring the state just like the toothpick toothpick Volume I are pretty small. More fussy then coated with egg stage, eggs must be coated so that the paper-thin tang without risk tearing it also offers small states to look like the king of red silk bun, this is considered as the standard. And yet mild, above noodle bowl has dried radish and sweet and sour dish beams "procession of shrimp" is crushed from peeled shrimp or prawn anymore. All will be the grandmother, the mother arranged an orderly manner with the colors alternating with each other is fantastic. Besides the bright yellow of the eggs of fish small shrimps are pink pink shrimp. Besides the white rose of green silk rolls is the aggregate of the interwoven strands of ivory tusks chicken. In the best there is, in the back feel excellent, tasty bowl of Bun Thang arouse the sense of smell and sight of the viewer. Not only delicious but also has mouth eyes!

But first important to make "soul" of the main bowl of Bun Thang bouillon in the pot. Some people jokingly called it an "art" of there! Nor wrong with that. Initially the chicken bones and pork bones and security must be true for all the fresh water that is the bone of flesh sweet and not so sweet "sham" of seasoning. As soon as water begins to boil, we have picked out the pot of water bubbles to clear and then add prawns and when the ink dried on to security. In the end, then drop again to add mushrooms to pan up smelling fragrance. A pot of water use "standard" must have clarity, sweetness and flavor do you say all that a hearts.

It would be flawed if not to mention the accompanying condiment dish. Condiment is "quiet charm" of bun thang, that's the shrimp sauce. As someone jokingly called "Bun Thang is not like eating noodles shrimp sauce that did not have water," so there! And of course, referring to Bun Thang is impossible not to remember belostomatid oil is considered the soul of the dish by a very special position of its aroma. Just one or two drops into the bowl of noodles belostomatid only enjoy the ecstasy had been lured to pieces eventually. But unfortunately, today, with the gradual extinction of the fish stem a special taste that has gradually become absent in the bowl of Bun Thang Ha into stupor as many people have regrets.

Hanoi Vietnam people turned away from every roof fans remember the taste of the bun thang. Remember that the deep concentration and sweetness characteristic of water. Remember that the eye looks full blend flavor and taste. And how many will still remember those cold winter days fresh bun sitting untouched attractive rooms smoke eaters ...

Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 1, 2012

Wandering the mannequin delicious restaurant in Hanoi

From the corner market, a small alley, to the city center as Hoan Kiem, Ham Long, doll dishes contain enough "taste of death" was caused not so many diners crave, be sure to forever.

1. Best beef jerky puppet

Did not know the specific time as well as the real source of dummy items dry cows. Just know that, when passed through a small market or side alley a certain school, heard the continuous separation of the drag cup, fragrant aroma of basil Lang is now a shop mannequin said.

Composition of food from the child, say, from the youngest pupils, to what the students like a lot but also cheap, and of her sister Tíu the headline "wholesale melon pear, melon selling coffee", then he prefers the "modified wind" sensitivity.

Snacks mannequin-something very simple in composition but extremely tasty condiment by the reductions. Dry cow dummy items including green papaya small cell fibers, little more optimistic, mixed sweet and sour sauce, a few pieces of dried beef sliced ​​thin, Lang basil, smell it, marjoram, a little chilli ...

Yet for many people, this dish packs out "the flavor of life" in all sorts of spicy-sour-salty-sweet above.

Any lane, corner any market may also experience an effigy of the pavement, but the total tuenh crowded. Also want to enjoy good reputation dummy is inviting you to visit two streets selling second oldest mannequin Ha Thanh Kiem and Ham Long Street.

Often there is less to remember the name Hoan Kiem Street by street name dummy. It is widely referred to as the shortest street in Hanoi Vietnam. Dummy dishes here are very Chinese sounding name like Long Vi Dung.

Learn new that most of the dummy row in this city are mostly descendants of the ancient Chinatown get selling seaweed for a living mannequin.

Mannequin on the composition here is nothing special. The thin fiber exhibits grated papaya, green and white, and yarn for added color carrots, dried beef cut into thin long slices, sprinkle a little extra water mixed bitter, sweet. Sprinkle roasted golden straw little touch up, a few leaves of herbs. Who liked it more spicy chili sauce spoon.

Special feature many familiar food in the shops this mannequin is made of dried beef elaborate. Rump or sirloin beef very fresh, carefully washed are soaked for a new cattle odors in a blender, just grind spices marinated medium spicy, salty, sweet.

Built, rolled beef, dried then fried up in hot fat old pan. New eating out using scissors to cut the meat into long slices. Beef must be mature enough, not long and can not put new good.

2. Banana flower dummy Tay Son

This is street food, you can go to the shops along the way Kim Lien, Vu Ngoc Phan. However, with the customary gourmet banana effigy mounds opposite Da (167 West Lane near the base) is best.

To shop mannequin near Da mound only slightly miserable time for parking, but also eat it from processing accounts. The effigies of both fleshy flesh has delicious, very delicious. Is so is because the formula "traditional" of all that Uncle. Pub sales from about 3pm to dusk is out of stock.

This dish is a true "Mixed", each one depending on your taste everything can be repurposed materials. If the dummy banana and aquaculture will reduce the household as shrimp meat, crab meat, shredded roasted squid.

Or add dried beef, bean sprouts, peanut roasting, pig ears, hearing rolls, green papaya small cells will be spell-like mannequin mannequin dish of beef. Or is that only the most gentle banana flower garlic vinegar mixed states.

But please say, many items may not be padded so delicious as the main material is banana flower contributes to 70% of the value of this dummy item. Banana flower is used to make effigies of banana-west, after flowering is about 10 complaints, many people go to the chamber materialized focused culture banana fruit.

3. Amazing with dummy Lim

The result is called dummy Lim very own creativity owner. Play the name was enough to want to beam right into the shop to learn and enjoy.
It turned out, the word "cell" is the owner of such von track dried beef with brown brown, looked like solid logs lim. Yet when using scissors or tear flesh out the hand muscles are very soft, crispy crackers, ate more fleshy and sweet charming mannequin marinated beef jerky.

Many have had to upland or to Laos, the North West can immediately recognize how the owner is very creative imitation buffalo meat hung kitchen and dried beef served with sticky rice of Laos.

According to this perspective, the owner will hong pieces of beef with wood and charcoal smoke. Hong time it takes one day. In addition to the meat to fresh air, the surface will have lost at least 2-3 days. To eat, bring flowers for drying the coal tender.

Lim dummy dishes here are more special by the presence of fried garlic, mixed with many other things such as stomach, heart, gizzard, liver ...
Each disc mannequin here 15,000 contract price, if you want to fully enjoy your call with a dozen discs cost from 40,000 to 50,000 dong.

If no street vendors in Hanoi Vietnam ...

Style street light and convenient transportation is no longer possible when street vendors but also means that Hanoi Vietnam will lose something which belonged to it.

A fun buying and selling stolen

If you say something to stick with all the people of the capital Hanoi as an inseparable part is that the street vendors. Street vendors under the basket the team was present dry bright "hot-noodle," "Xoi peanuts, coconut sticky rice, bread songs here," "Who's that hot bread rolls" ....; A light water dish: Burma, wheat, noodles, porridge .... warm the oil in a first kitchen burden rays; a main meal with a half-meter of the season, with constant water wave tank tofu ...; is little snacks warm bowl hungry between cheese-making day in the late summer cold, with cereal grains every collection of non green, with grapefruit peach, banana egg hoes, red berry pink ...; are the essential items like clothing, shoes, hats, scarves ... but also the food for filled with the spirit of useful reports, with tape, disk or bright flowers ...

We can say with all the needs of the guests lack of time in the context of such excess that the street vendors are widely considered to meet quite effective, and so from morning to night, from day to month, from year to year, street vendors deeply rooted in daily life habits of the people of this place.

Street vendors could warm her belly with a bowl of porridge labor vendors at the end of the night shift; to please her silk sold on Hang Gai in the early morning when the car flower shop just preparing to welcome guests; bring a smile Tell your prints so busy stirring reception should forget about trimming the nails yourself; for some of us Ha to the public his collar, tie, greeted each morning the first chip cups of green tea or a few days she skirts the office and still can not forget the dot end of the bowl of spicy sour sauce corner building sidewalks. Whether they are street vendors who all play a significant place in their daily lives.

They swooped on street vendors sometimes because of what they need done as well as just to have instilled in their moments of peace, of chaos, of recollection, of peace. So no wonder many buyers as sellers busy talk but forget to select goods, bargain all words and no extra money back because "I look too". Where to buy but not because that just invites forever, but not eat up put down. Image buyers surrounded burden straw vendors talk, laugh us Ha things that nothing related to that looks like this is not just a sale.

Sometimes things that are full of street vendors in the shop, but people still like the pear is the sidewalks. So a new conversation "was waiting for her to come over to peddle it back and ask," "the fat for you peddle it" ... Sometimes they pass between the relationship is simply the buying and traitor. If no street vendors did not make people think about at night craving grilled corn, old box nor mai make me remember the burning sensation beams, mango mix, not find warm atmosphere while surrounded by seaweed noodles burden in restaurants, the restaurants or the market place crowded, noisy. Street vendors sometimes gives people a feeling not easily seen.

Popular demand is removed

Written off street vendors means that tens of thousands of household businesses and millions of sidewalk vendors are unemployed. These are people that only with a basket, a pair of optical burdens, or to more than a coffee bike museum, leaving behind a house with their children cry eo dull the door to the city to find the next living.

With dirt-income foam, about one thousand to two dozen traveling all day do not know how many miles city, but the poor still determined to cling to this profession because of the essential needs of the family as a child, tuition, medical, or dream you change your life for college at the door .... They stick to their jobs because that is their only livelihood.

And as a corollary when the breadwinner who cut off this part are of course subject to their main customers, the common people, also carrier. Ask a medical leave to sell vegetables than ten thousand stars dare to eat a bowl of noodles in a row, she paid a few employees of the cool glass of water in drinks?

For those who retired as grandparents Dragon (Hong Ha Street, Hoan Kiem), the street vendors are best for them: "Just as we had VND5000 soup bowl just belly, do have any shops selling soup which entered the back side just to pay the price "chips coin three trenches" so. "

As for the workers as she Hau (Vinh Tuy, Hoang Mai) is working though the only song with a monthly salary based on the ke million, so this is understandable: "The minimum price for each flowers in the "shop" would be from 1,000 to 15,000 while the dollar amount of algae that if it is possible to buy enough flowers for the altar three plugs for my house on a full moon and then th.

"It is also not to mention hundreds of thousands of reasons to refuse the poor," says Ms. Yue, selling clothes in Hang Dao Street coal. "We're in the store all day I have no time to market or to the main shopping should be waiting on the street vendors over this burden. No street vendors, the different markets .... Puzzling. "

But Ms. Lan at Hang Da is assigned hearing "I do not need to buy expensive items should be on the best street vendors. Choose from comfortable to wear all this easily without fear of being chickened chickened that. "When to rent a shop or restaurant to open land, where this price must be higher than the peddlers is understandable, but with the income low, this is not easy.

And the nostalgia stopped subside

At the date of publication of the draft to remove street vendors, on the blogs of expatriates can be seen filled with nostalgia peddlers. Someone has to pay back suddenly recalled his feelings when you stand on foreign land: Looking at the four-wheel passenger vehicle hotdog bread or fruit in Washington, the pedicab carts selling boiled corn in Islamabad or the tray egg timber sold in the street walking to Melbourne gnawing memory of those who peddle in Hanoi with a flexible pole and poetic.

There are nights in the guest country suddenly remembered tears when the announcement the night in Hanoi. Some people find little joy among the old streets of Hanoi modern: "There are moments ... Hanoi is still very bright with a gift of green tea a sip of Your servants ... the kind of" public servants Ha Home "was also strange ... still tie, shirt still serious ... but it soars down the country to sell enough of that junk ... a wooden table ... a few wobbly stool ... but it looks unkempt so close ... bear some street vendors selling guava ... ... and a few weight after two meetings that result ... still exists ... because pieces rice ball out clothing ... because the job had become a habit ... or those who turned her burden basket team just want to preserve what nature brings "Hanoi" ... "

Burden of bureaucracy rong side of the roof tile color intensive drool over time is the image of Hanoi in poetry, in painting and now it still retains the beauty of simplicity that it's romantic. East of warm optical double burden was on the track fragrant fresh bread, cassava tubers are slightly hot. To spring training with the petals, rose, lily dew on wet nights. Thu through the calm quiet of the doa yellow daisies, floral scent of thousands of nuggets round, red berries, bananas, eggs hoe. House to equal burden "crap town" cool, sweet lotus scent blocking every street corner ... that exist in Hanoi for a long time and so royal traveler Hanoi problem with bit of countryside in the heart of the city.

By some simple but sometimes love just smile sometimes dim white hat of a lady peddlers, so weary smile that spread the feeling of relaxing. Yet it's no wonder what took the whole group of foreign tourists enjoy surround a burden on the teacher code of Silver City, pay 4, 5 dollars just to take a picture of the burden of some banana or pineapple girl serving customers on the west side the lake, turn before turning later to shoot scenes for the flower girl bear thick ice between a road vehicle, and three drunken masturbation miscellaneous food on pavements. Foreign tourists to Hanoi to always find some old street love beauty and idyllic, rural place of capital into this but with the modern streets of Hanoi gradually, if not also the burden Hanoi street vendors will make people remember by what?

Chủ Nhật, 1 tháng 1, 2012

Hanoi Vietnam - City night

Night gradually let go. The sky was black, a color chasms mystery. Some faint starlight lone bright sun corner. From above looking down at night in Hanoi Vietnam as a stream is moving in a myriad of electric lights flashing. High pressure range of light into long streaks of yellow, white cross on the city together. People crossing the line beneath the road, all the movements in rhythmic harmony night in Hanoi.
Not as exciting wild flowers of the Saigon night, not a sad character discreet, wary as the night the ancient capital on the Perfume River, not tiny like the night flower in Hoi An, Hanoi has a night distinctions very attractive. When the big clock in the Hoan Kiem lake is only 0 hours, breathing is of life. Hanoi does not have moments of sleep. Millions of capital was lit up thousands of lights, colors shimmering in the night. These people build cities prolonged work.

Night is the continuation of the day. The life of man, but a third finite time was spent sleeping. Live, work day is not enough, one has to live the night. Discover the colors of the night in Hanoi see the true value of time is gold. Sleepless nights of those who defend the Capital. Hard night's work for tomorrow's engineers for the city a creative idea. Colors of Hanoi night interspersed between modern and ancient. Where noisy night discotheque. Dim night where communities and in particular black coffee. Romantic night where the flower market, vegetable market. Weary night of the sweeper. Night of the light absorbed inside pages. Night foster human intelligence. The quiet little sweat in the night. Night quiet corner where there are lovers in ecstasy unknown to kiss the dew is quietly dropped.

The space is purged overnight softer, purer. Perfume is a scent of the night of nature. The aroma of the soil deposited in trees, on flowers. The aroma of sun radiating down into the gentle breezes dishes haired man. Nguyen Du passionate night flower smelling milk, sugar pearls Youth fragrant incense spreads. And then a vague scent made me waste sitting here wondering, doubt and wonder. Just go on the streets during the day was, how superficial chaos of our lives do not realize. No night time waking up the scent natural gift for Thang Long thousand years of civilization.

Night Hanoi - Thang Long nights. On the night mirror lake peaceful calm as from thousands of years ago. Looking to the Turtle Tower, sparkling lights reflecting into the lake. In the dim light at night this is where the ball of the Le boat to enjoy, where the ball is hidden golden turtle. Night of the legendary and now, what I saw ahead as real as dreaming. Night adventure into realms as opposite Hanoi's rotation period. Still hear the sound of the domestic: English cricket cry worms, wind, vague as a growing drumbeat in the text of Thach Lam ... A Hanoi harmony between classical and modern. The watch on Lake Shore Post Office marks each moment of the night, the time step move slowly. Long night ... Quiet night in the old town dreaming. Night taciturn in Quan Thanh temple, gold knock up a steady beat as the birth of mankind. Immerse yourself in a night of Hanoi, in the mysterious night fragrance to any heart. Remember the memories ...

Night in Hanoi Vietnam

Who has been to the capital should be a walk at night in Hanoi Vietnam to learn more about the streets and the people here. Hanoi has a shimmering, just quiet, peaceful.

When the street lights up, transfer Hanoi at night. All roads, bright street lights, as Hanoi adorn more sparkling, brilliant. In the ancient streets, Luong Van Can, Hang H, Hang Dao, Hang Ma, who crowded the streets walking, some people visit the store to buy souvenirs and just feel the space of the ancient streets of Hanoi Noi. Youth On the way, Quang Trung, Nguyen Du, or along the West Lake, Truc Bach Lake, Hoan Kiem Lake, the other young people hanging about here to relax, enjoy the cool, the beauty of nature at night.

You Tram Anh Nguyen, student of Hanoi Vietnam University of Culture said: "Ha Noi at night by lamp light is on, with a gentle beauty, quiet, quaint and elegant. During the day the people are very busy traveling, vehicles that are deserted at night again, seems to Hanoi quiet. Sitting in rows of benches around the Lake can retreat to reflect many things in life. "

Nocturnal animals are also features of Hanoi. The ancient streets to the newly opened path, have food the night. From the sweet fragrance of boiled corn, baked potato with strong until the bowl of chicken soup up the aggregate.

Better known perhaps to mention the noodles. To the capital but not to eat noodles in cold weather will not understand what they regarded as Hanoi. Pho broth is delicious and not in fresh rice noodles do not need much, less spicy chili, several branches of flowers, a few slices of fresh lemon made a suspect untouched pho smoke, choking sweet anise flavor. This dish has left strong impression on many people.

Mr. Le Quoc Cuong, a native of Thanh Hoa in Hanoi worker said: "At work the night shift, I usually eat noodles and very tasty. I think Hanoi is probably the most delicious beef noodle soup, there are very personal and unique attractions. "

Late night, light power from the small alley to ease sneezing with in the night dew. The house tilted balls connected together, listening can feel the gentle sound of falling particles King night dew on the leaves. Lost in space was quiet, somewhere, commonplace language of joint insects, weary announcement of the gift she sold her the night: "Who bread, this song / Who do hot bread".

Far away, quietly echoing broom sweeper hours the night of the sanitation workers. Ms. Nguyen Thi Hau, the second worker, factory work, Cau Giay urban, environmental Corporation Thang Long, said: "Normally, we ca 3 from 17 pm to 2 am, with the day to 4 -5 am. Determination of this hard work, the Tet holidays rarely stay home with her husband, but I arrange, sort of to secure her husband at home. "

Hanoi does not stay the night, on all roads, bicycles, motorcycles all left back down. In the wholesale market, the trading hours coil. More brilliant, even more romantic than a night flower market Publicity. Regardless sultry summer nights or bitter cold winter night, flower market was still colorful. The florist from Bac Ninh, Vinh Phuc, Tay Tuu flower market on Publicity for sale. From here the traders will put flowers on the tilt.

Night in Hanoi, the sparkling night lights, night life span of noisy streets, the night of the ordinary man struggling for his livelihood. Hanoi is also the night the night deposit of lasting cultural value with time. One night flower market, a restaurant could not sleep, an announcement disappear into the small streets, a lake breeze is enough time for people to feel peaceful space of Hanoi. /.